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Thursday, June 12, 2014

25 things I've learned

Okay so I may have been binge reading Buzzfeeds lists today as I sit at home sick. But they inspired me to make a list of everything I've learned while living here. Some of them are silly, some serious, and some just random observations that I have found while living abroad.

1: Don't sit on the concrete it will burn your bum through jeans

2: Cold water doesn't exist from June-September

3: When a sandstorm comes in wrap your scarf over your head (see #4)

4: Always have a scarf on or in your bag

5: Don't drink the tap water. Ever.

6: Book flights 6 weeks before your flight on Tuesday 3:00 pm Eastern Time

7: You really only need to pack three outfits for a weeks vacation

8: Vitamin D deficiency is huge here because it is too hot to be outside for long

9: UV rays are strongest in the winter and very minimal in summers here (results you burn/tan in winter but not the summer)

10: Any drug is available without prescription at a fraction of the cost in U.S . . .

11: You can barter for literally anything

12: Bucket Lists and having an "agenda" of what to do/where to travel never works out well

13: A black camel is worth around 1 million USD

14: Every document needs a stamp. Every single one, even receipts

15: Don't put your clothes outside to dry. The sandstorms will blow sand onto your wet clothes

16: Always dress up for a "brunch"

17: You won't get into any bar or most restaurants in flip flops (male or female)

18: Keep a pair of sunglasses in the car, one on your head, and one in your bag

19: Maxi dresses/skirts are a girls best friend

20: It's not that you ever get used to the heat you just learn to ignore the sweat

21: Even in the winter you want to run before 7 am when it starts getting to warm

22: Always have a jacket handy at night during the winter. It gets surprisingly cold

23: "Ladies" don't ride camels apparently

24: Shared taxis (mini vans) are 2x faster than the bus system at the same price, only downside being the only female in a dirty smelly van for 1.5 hours to or from the city

25: Living abroad is no different 99% of the time than living at home. A cycle of work. Eat. Sleep and repeat and in between just binge watching tv and working out. It's the other 1% of the time that make people stay abroad.

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